Saturday 1 July 2023

Tasmania's Multi Superbolide Event


Tue 18 May 1943, EXPLOSION OF FIRE BALL. Reports from the various centres on the North-West indicate that several meteors or fire balls or possibly disintegrated parts of one fell from the sky on Sunday. Eye-witnesses say that three descended in the Leven district and a fourth burst in the air apparently almost directly over the home of Mrs. Walters, Temma, West Coast, who related a remarkable experience yesterday. Mr. Horace Hardy, Marrawah, telephoned last night that a fire ball appeared over the district about 1.45 p.m.on Sunday, heading south. Soon afterwards it was noticed by Mrs. Walters,who advised him that the fire ball seemed to burst directly over a high wireless mast at Kaywood House. There was a very loud explosion, which Mr. Hardy said shook his house, 25 miles away as the crow flies. Mrs. Walters said it seemed to lift her house twice. A thick pall of smoke descended following the explosion, and was still noticeable in the house yesterday. Grass in the paddock nearby bore the appearance of having been scorched. Although a search for two hours was made, no trace of metal or any other substance could be found. A thick black cloud remained for two hours after the explosion occurred. Ulverstone reports that three fireballs fell in adjacent country. The first was seen from the town to fall in a south-westerly direction at 2.15 p.m. in a ball of fire and leaving a trail of smoke. Residents of Gunn's Plains actually saw it hit the easterly side of Dial Range, where it exploded, and the ground shook. The second descended about 4 pm. on Black Bluff, the tremor being felt by workmen of the Loongana Sawmilling Company. At 9 p.m. a traveller on the road from Ulverstone to Sprent saw a third. On Sunday night at about 9.50 a fireball was observed from Devonport in the direction of Paloona. Similar reports have been received from several other centres.

EVERAL FIREBALL REPORTED Woman's Remarkable Experience Reports from various centres on the North-West indicate that several meteors, or fireballs —or, possibly, disintegrated parts of the one —fell from the sky on Sunday. Eyewitnesses say that three descended in the Leven district, and a fourth burst in the air apparently almost directly over the home of Mrs. Walters, of Temma, West Coast, who related a remarkable experience yesterday. Mr. Horace Hardy, of Marrawah, telephoned "The Advocate" last night, that a fireball appeared over the district about 1.45 p.m. on Sunday, heading south. Soon afterwards it was noticed by Mrs. Walters, who resides on the "Kaywood" property, at Temma. It seemed to take the form of a large curly cloud, black at one end, white at the other, and shaped like a large bullet. When it burst the ends seemed to come together, and then spring apart. Mrs. Walters advised him that the fireball seemed to burst directly above a very high wireless mast at Kaywood House. There was a very loud explosion, which, Mr. Hardy mentioned, shook his house, 25 miles away as the crow flies. Mrs. Walters said it seemed to lift her house twice, and she was surprised on making an examination later to find that the foundation was not damaged. A thick pall of smoke descended following the explosion and was still noticeable in the house yesterday. Grass in a paddock nearby bore the appearance of having been scorched. Although a search for two hours was made, no trace of metal or any other substance could be found. A thick black cloud remained for two hours where the explosion occurred. Ulverstone reports stated that three fireballs fell in adjacent country. The first was seen from the town to fall in a south-westerly direction at 2.15 p.m.. in a ball of fire, and leaving a trail of smoke. Residents of Gunn's Plains actually saw it hit the easterly side of Dial Range, where it exploded, and the ground shook. The second descended about 4 p.m. on Black Bluff, the tremor being felt by workmen of the Loongana Sawmilling Co. At 9 p.m. a traveller on the road from Ulverstone to Sprent saw the third, which also apparently fell in the district. Mrs. J. O'Donnell, of Port Sorell, reported having seen a fireball descend at a sharp angle towards the western horizon about 2.15 p.m. on Sunday. This apparently was the one which disintegrated over Temma. Mrs. O'Donnell said the ball in brilliance resembled the fire from an anoxy-welding torch, and as it descended it burst into an extended flame from which arose white smoke. The Devonport police were advised from Daisy Dell on Sunday afternoon of a similar occurrence. On Sunday night about 9.50 a fireball was observed from Devonport in the direction of Paloona. The color was described as white, with a blue tinge, and it appeared to be very bright as it shot through the clear sky. It seemed to make earth some miles to the south west, falling at a sharp angle. Messrs. A. E. Calver and A. Agar, of Burnie, while rabbit shooting at Tewkesbury on Sunday, and another observer at Romaine, saw the ball which exploded at Temma as it travelled across the sky from north-west to south-west before disappearing from their sight. The weather was calm and clear, and no noise was heard while the ball was in sight, although Messrs. Calver and Agar reported a rumbling as of distant thunder about ten minutes later. In appearance, it was a glowing ball of flame, from which heavy smoke emanated.

METEOR SEEN ON WEST COAST Several residents o£ Rosebery and Tullah heard a loud explosion and rumble at about 2.30 on Sunday. Many houses were, shaken, and high in the sky dense smoke and flames were visible. The phenomenon was probably the meteor that' was seen in other parts. The general impression is that it landed in the ocean off the West Coast, as it appeared in the. sky approximately due west, of Rosebery.

SEED AT WARATAH. - At about 12.30 p.m. on Sunday, an object' resembling a comet, with a red nose and white tail, was seen by many local residents passing over Mt Bischoff in a southerly I direction. As it neared the ground its tail changed to numerous colors. The object appeared to disappear into the Magnet Valley. Residents in the Corinna Road, about three miles from Waratah, heard what resembled a shell whizzing through the air. Seconds later, a seven' double detonation shook the ground, and reverberations were, felt for about live minutes. lt is thought possible that portions of the meteor may be found in the locality where it hit the. ground. For some time after it disappeared, a long streak of cloud was visible in the air.

ROCKY CAPE METEOR - Members of the local V.D.C. platoon, who were practising on the rifle range on Sunday afternoon, saw the meteor passing swiftly across a clear sky. It left behind a trail of white smoke and finally disappeared in the general direction of Sister Hills. As distance is deceptive., however, it may have been much farther away. As the meteor disappeared, two distinct explosions were heard. _ Several residents who heard them considered at the time that they were caused by explosives used by the V.D.C.

Indonesia Airburst and whale stranding Updated: 20240913

2024, September 6. Timor Sea/Indian Ocean.  S.W of the Indonesian Island of Sumba.  Airburst . Time: 12:36. Coordinates: (-12.9, 118). e = 2...