Wednesday 17 January 2024

You would have more fish if they stopped killing Dolphins.

The days of stupidity are coming to an end. This is why Japan, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Farro Islands, Denmark and Canada are digging their own watery graves when it comes to overfishing. Nature is going to destroy your industries. You have no idea how a dolphin behaves. It's a scavenger that wanders the oceans eating bits of everything. They actually create more fish than they consume. WHY? Well, they eat stingrays and other predators that consume FISH!!! You are totally blind to the environment that you pretend to know. Dolphins are wolves of the sea, they create a healthy environment, that's why they have survived because they are measured on what they take. The Japanese don't do this, they are not measured and are ignorant. The only people that are destroying fish populations are the people doing the killing.

In Australia we have dolphins, and the fish population is not affected, it's overfishing - overfished to feed an already unhealthy population. Farm something for a change!!! Stop being a bunch of pillages and rapists of the sea. They overfish their stocks and then come to the Southern Ocean to consume more. Take-take-take.

The Chinese have a lesson right under their stupid noses. The Panda. A bear that went from being a carnivore to eating nutrient-poor bamboo to survive. People live in the same environment as all other species and in the future, we are going to see what happens...again, when we eat and destroy at will.

We have a problem. It's not beautiful shooting stars or on the other end Armageddon comets. It's in the middle where bolides, airbursts and meteoroid showers are. In some areas, we are starting to see fish die off, and in other areas, we are seeing the reverse with fish populations exploding caused by iron from meteors seeding the atmosphere. Iron feeds plankton and plankton feeds fish. It's boom and bust. This is going to continue for decades. If the dolphins and whales crash during this period, then the whole system will crash. The sea floor will be sterile of food and the whole chain from there up will fail. We need millions of whales and dolphins in the ocean living and dying naturally to feed the ecosystem.

Russia should be kicked out of Antarctica never to be allowed back in. Plain and simple. The only science the Russians are doing in Antarctica concerns exploiting the environment. Japan should be expelled from the Southern Ocean altogether until it stops hunting whales. If they had their way, they would kill everything. Norway and its factory ships are factories destroying a whole ecosystem. Do you want fish? Farm it!!! Stay where you are and do with what you have, seeing you have managed the ocean around you so well. Let the fish stocks recover then fish it sustainably. You never learn. Again and again, through history, you have buried yourselves in mismanagement.

The Australian government should stop listening to these foreign advisors and diplomats that come to Australia, (brought in by Australia's fishing industry), and try to coerce us into fishing even further. They are feeding you rubbish and only want access to fishing grounds and to make a small minority of Australian families super rich.

The people screaming about climate change don't know who the real enemies are, or should I say they are too cowardly to fight the real enemies of the ocean. Don't fight Russia, it's too hard and dangerous. Wow, when did environmentalists start diving for cover from a real fight? Environmental groups are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on protecting the environment when they could be using this money to take the fight to the real causes of climate destruction.

Many species have not even come close to recovering from the whaling days, and now they are under threat again. Seal numbers are sad in the Southern Ocean. They couldn't be lower if you tried.

Lastly, Tasmania's bays, inlets and beaches should be filled with whales, dolphins, seals and other creatures, but they are not. Why? Because the Australian fishing industry is still trying to feed countries that are paralyzing the ocean environment. We are feeding human pigs.  

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