Sunday 4 February 2024

Mass Whale Strandings and Native Americans

The below graph is from a research paper: Mass strandings of the long-finned pilot whales in Cape Cod. Implications for native American subsistence and settlement. 1998. James W. Bradley.

There were 177 mass whale strandings between 1800 and 1990 in the Cape Cod, and the wider Cape region and associated Islands in the USA. The paper discusses the highly variable phenomenon of mass whale strandings and the consequences on the native American tribes that counted on the bounty. Interestingly the graph is very similar to strandings for the southern hemisphere, and it's close enough for the phenomena in general. The variations come from meteoroid streams that are generalized in a specific location. If I took a graph of the "eventful" meteoroid activity in the northern hemisphere during this time frame it's almost a complete match.

The Tunguska Event was in 1908.

After many thousands of years of observing their environment, with the incredible knowledge they had, I find it hard to believe that the natives in America or Australia were not aware of this connection. It might be that we are not seeing it abstractly placed in their artwork or stories. 

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Indonesia Airburst and whale stranding Updated: 20240913

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