Friday 8 March 2024

A fourth whale strands and dies in North Carolina, and what is happening in Florida?

A fourth whale washed ashore on Nags Head next to Jeanette’s Pier in the USA on March 8. A baby Pygmy Sperm whale.

Baby sperm whale washes ashore in Nags Head; fourth whale in region |

Interesting footnote: In Florida - 2024, February 19 (and the following week). 27 Pelicans with broken wings found in Florida. 24 were euthanized. Florida Wildlife Hospital puts out an alert on February 25 concerning this matter. All birds had the same kind of fracture. Between the period of the 1st and the 8th of February, there was a stream of meteors accompanied by whale strandings. There was heavy meteor activity along the East Coast over the last two months. A malicious event or accident could have occurred however a natural event should be taken into account.

Questions I will investigate further: Do birds have only one broken wing? How many birds were found dead, if any? How many birds are located that seem concussed or "drunk" if any? Over what distance are the birds being found? 

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