Tuesday 12 March 2024

Three Cachalots (sperm whales) strand and die in UK

The news came in of this event 10 minutes after the last post: The two events work together perfectly in stranding timelines. 

The Stranding:

2024, March 13. UK, Hull. The carcasses of three sperm whales have been found in East Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire Two currently remain on mud on the banks of the Humber estuary near Spurn Point and a third whale has washed up dead on Humberston Fitties beach in Cleethorpes.

The Meteor:

2024, March 2. Europe, North Sea/English Channel. Large Fireball. Seen widely across Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and UK. It was seen as far away as central Germany. It lasted for over 7 seconds and fragmented. 

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