Monday 29 April 2024

Continued meteor activity in Tasman Sea

2024, April 28. New Zealand, North Island, Cook Strait. Meteors. Numerous meteors were detected travelling N.W. over the Tasman Sea.

Map – Fireballs Aotearoa

I will use this situation to see, (if there is a stranding), to answer the question of why sometimes whales strand after bad weather. There is a gale warning for Raglan coastal area for the next few days. If whales are under extreme stress from meteor activity, they will more likely run ashore during these weather events. Whales in this situation need to stay at sea, where a number are likely to die naturally if they are under stress. The rest of the pod will survive and swim on. If a storm comes along during this time, the whole pod will likely come to shore. Time will tell. I hope not, but this is another scenario that needs to be observed. As noted, it is not uncommon for pods to strand after storms. The question has been why? I will start using weather maps to add to observed events in the future. 

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