Saturday 25 May 2024

Meteor Airburst in South China Sea. Updated Singapore Fireball - Two events in the South China Sea

2024, May 24. South China Sea. Airburst. Approximately 200 km from Borneo/Brunei. (latitude: 6.6, longitude: 114.2). e = 5.4. -e = 0.18 or 180,000 kg/TNT. This is 50,000kg/TNT bigger than the recent Portugal airburst/meteor. Altitude = 42 km. Velocity: 36.5 km/s.

Marine animal disturbance could be observed on the N.W coastline of Borneo and the Philippine Island of Palawan in the next 14 days. After this time interval dead animals are usually found. It should be noted a large number of cetaceans have been observed to stand in the area in the last month. This could mean a meteoroid stream has been active for some time; in other words, precursor material has been entering Earth's atmosphere.

Google Maps

The event below was near Singapore and can be seen on the map above. The event happened just hours after the Borneo airburst. Note: Thunderstorms and meteor activity are closely related, causing atmospheric disturbances that can be disastrous for air travel. 

2024, May 24. Singapore. Large meteor/fireball. Time: Approximately 23:47. 

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Glacier retraction and meteor streams

An interesting discovery in my research has been the sporadic retraction of glaciers globally. I will write further about this in the future...