Thursday 30 May 2024

Meteor dismantled over New Zealand

2024. May 28. New Zealand, North Island. Tasman Sea, W.W Coast. A meteor was dismantled with two tracked objects coming into the atmosphere. The first: Time: 08:47:32. Velocity: 62km/s. Duration: 2.66 sec. LB: 172.45. LB: -42.41. HB: 119.75 km. LE: 171.17. LE: -41.28. HE: 107.66 km. The second followed approximately one second later: 2024. May 28. Time: 08:47:33. Velocity: 62km/s. Duration: 6.08 sec. LB: 172.68. LB: -42.61. HB: 121.75 km. LE: 169.84. LE: -40.04. HE: 99.70 km.

The first object travelled 165.20 km in 2.66 seconds and the second travelled 371.42 km in 6.08 seconds. A marine animal disturbance alert should be noted for the Farewell Spit area. Even though over a third is over land the event was large enough to be of concern due to the time of year. The two objects in the image below follow almost the same track. Hopefully, this happened 4 days ago, so we could have dodged a bullet. 

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Glacier retraction and meteor streams

An interesting discovery in my research has been the sporadic retraction of glaciers globally. I will write further about this in the future...