Monday 11 September 2023


Below are six whale strandings following a bolide airburst in the Southern Ocean/Tasman Sea. Also below is a picture of a 1000-ton grain silo. The force of the meteoroid burst was equivalent to 640 of these silos filled with TNT. These pods are more likely than not the remnants of larger ones. 

2004, January 22, BOLIDE BURST, Tasman Sea/Southern Ocean, (50.6S, 157.8E). Equivalent explosion force of 640,000 kilos of TNT.

2004, March, Tasmania, Sandy Cape, approximately 168 long-finned Black Dolphins.

2004; June 16; Tasmania; Ocean Beach and Macquarie Harbour, Strahan, Cachalots, Stranded 5; Died 4; Survived 1; Four Cachalots found dead on Ocean Beach. Another, thought to be from same pod was rescued after becoming stranded in Macquarie Harbour at Strahan.

2004, November 28, Tasmania, Maria Island, 42 long-finned Black Dolphins. 80 volunteers returned 23 to sea.

2004, November 28, Tasmania, King Island, 73 long-finned Black Dolphins and a separate stranding of 25 Bottlenose Dolphins.

2004, November 29, New Zealand, Opoutere beach, 73 Black Dolphins stranded at Whangamata on the North Island's east coast. 50 were dead when located, 20 were returned to sea.

2004, December, New Zealand, Chatham Islands, 170 Black Dolphins.

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