Saturday 2 September 2023

Meteor Impacts and airbursts in Australia, and some in New Zealand, since 1862.

Meteor Impacts in Australia, and some in New Zealand, since 1862. Cameras such as Map – Fireballs Aotearoa are leading the way. There are now many others, with Australia...following? It seems unfortunate with so many whales stranding in Australian waters they aren't doing more to understand the environment they acquire as their habitat. With the advent of camera monitoring such impact events are found more readily after 2020. I've included violent airbursts close to the ground because of their destructive qualities. I have included meteorite falls as well. If it hits, it counts in my opinion. After mapping these events it seems a large portion of falls are yet to be found and a large number will never be found or located due to their airburst origin and remoteness. I haven't included violent sonic booms even though I think they can be linked to the deaths of sea mammals. Some events below have clearly been involved in the concussion deaths of Cetacean. I also have not included events that have resulted in bird deaths and possible mass fish deaths to simplify the list below. I'm always finding further events so will update when found.

1862, Late January, South Australia, Mine Hill, Kooringa, Meteor Impact/Fall, small.

1922, June 2, Western Australia, METEOR IMPACT, NW of Geraldton in Indian Ocean, 170 km from the coast. Tremor felt 230km at Geraldton rattling windows.

1927, February. Meteor impacts near Clarence River NSW. The witnesses saw it fall into the river, creating a large disturbance.

1930, February 27, (+-1 year), Victoria, BOLIDE BURST/METEOR IMPACT, Lake Tyrell.

1929, June 30, Western Australia, west of Bunbury just south of Perth, BOLIDE BURST/Possible METEOR IMPACT, Extreme, sonic boom heard, three explosions. It seemed to fall into ocean.

1929, October 8, New Zealand, Godley Head Lighthouse, BOLIDE BURST/ METEOR IMPACT, nearly hit lighthouse and impacted the sea.

1932, January 1, Peakhurst NSW, METEOR IMPACT, Extremely Violent. 3 x 4 feet diameter crater. A woman and daughter fled the house after the explosion broke windows. Heard in a 40 km radius. A stack of fencing posts was flung 100 meters. The farmer standing 200 meters away was knocked flat but survived.

1932, December 22, METEOR IMPACT off South Australia coast south of Adelaide.

1934, December 21, Western Australia, Manfred Station, 120 km north of Murgoo, METEOR IMPACT, sonic boom and tremor with two meteorites found.

1936, January 23. BOLIDE BURST/ METEOR IMPACT, 440 km south of South Australia – Victorian border region, SW of Warrnambool. Approximate impact point (-39.50, 139) off the continental shelf.

1937, March 29, New South Wales, BOLIDE BURST/METEOR IMPACT, Manley/Balmoral, impacted sea.

1942, August, New South Wales, METEOR IMPACT. 20 kg of meteorites fell at Forestvale.

1943, May 16, Tasmania, NW Coast and inland. The great Tasmanian fireballs. SIX EXTREME BOLIDE BURSTS. METEOR IMPACT. Violent. Coming in from Bass Straight. Exploded over land and sea. Tremor, sonic booms. Over 9 hours 6 bolides were reported.

1948, July 27, Queensland, BOLIDE BURST/METEOR IMPACT, two violent explosions two minutes after detonation causing the tremor. Entered atmosphere 30km inland over Brookfield. Travelled into Coral Sea.

1948, August 11, Western Australia, BOLIDE BURST/METEOR IMPACT, violent, Indian Ocean west of Geraldton.

1949, January 5, Western Australia, Mt Ida. Inland. METEOR IMPACT. Violent. Nearly hit a mining town in an arid region, caused trees to flatten, one was uprooted and flung 100 meters.

1950, Month unknown, Northern Territory, eastern Kakadu Park Area, METEOR IMPACT. The site never located. The tremor was felt over 100km away.

1952, December, Northern Territory, METEOR IMPACT, 112km east of Darwin. Trees were uprooted and the ground churned as though hit by an atom bomb. It had detonated above the ground completely devastating an area of half a kilometer square.

1954, January 28, New Zealand, METEOR IMPACT, west of Wellington in the Tasman Sea.

1954, September 6, New South Wales, METEOR IMPACT, bolide crashed into the sea just over 11km off Ulladulla coast. Extremely violent/almost natural disaster. A couple of seconds slower and it would have wiped out a city block at minimum. It entered the atmosphere North of Sydney. It started exploding at 5000 feet and an object the size of a large plane impacted the sea with tremendous explosion. A piece dissolved before impacting 100 meters from the Manly Ferry in Sydney Harbor.

POSSIBLE. 1954, October 28, Western Australia, BOLIDE AIR BURST, travelling ENE from GAB, impact point Oodnadatta in South Australia.

1959, March 23, New Zealand, METEOR IMPACT. Three huge bolides fall into see 150 km west of Wellington. First 5pm, second 5:58pm and third 10:23pm. The second was the largest, and was described as a impact of high detonation.

1963, July 23, South Australia, METEOR IMPACT, Witnessed. Off coast into Great Australian Bight. Massive roar and explosion at sea in Great Australian Bight off west South Australian coast.

1969, The Murchison meteorite, which fell in 1969 near Murchison, Victoria. It belongs to the carbonaceous chondrite class, a group of meteorites rich in organic compounds.

1994, December 5th, South Australia, METEOR IMPACT, Mt Wedge. Violent impact on the hills of a farm. Pictures taken of ground impact. Violent tremor.

2008, June 28, New South Wales, METEOR IMPACT, hit sea 4 km off the breakwall and Point Plomer, Port Macquarie.

2012, June, Western Australia, METEOR IMPACT, Violent. Roughly 100km off the coast of Perth. Traveling NW. Witnessed.

2022, A meteorite that fell near the remote cattle station of Forrest in April 2021, which was recovered by Seamus Anderson and his team.

2022, Northern Territory, A meteorite that fell in Central Australia in 2022, which was captured falling to earth by Northern Territory Police CCTV cameras.

2022, Queensland, Fragments from an asteroid that fell in the Queensland Gulf region in 2022, which are being searched for by citizen scientists.

2022, Queensland, A meteorite that is believed to have landed near the tiny Gulf town of Croydon in 2022, based on data collected by citizen scientists.

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