Monday 4 September 2023

Whale Strandings and the Dangerous Game of Misinformation

The organizations and social groups spreading misinformation about why whales strand are causing more harm than good. In your endeavour to do what you think is right, you are increasing the likelihood of commercial whaling resuming. Why? Because the commercial industries that want to proceed with the slaughter take your views to their governments and say, "This is rubbish, and we have evidence that it is." Therefore, they will get the green light to move forward with what they want to do. You are playing right into their hands, and I agree with them; you are peddling rubbish.

I have gone through the evidence, if you could call it that, with a fine-toothed comb. Windfarms, mining exploration, submarines, weather, and even stuff out far into fantasy like water vortexes and submarine mud volcanos. Nothing is there! Whale stranding were happening just as much before wind farms came on the scene. There is no evidence. It's rubbish! Meteor shower activity fits in perfectly for panic strandings and dispersed strandings are caused by impacts. It was in front of our eyes all along.

Until you realize that this is a natural occurrence and that the threat to whales is greater than you realize, you are doing a great disservice to the whales. The threat of meteor showers, bolides, and impacts from meteoroids is real, and in the future years, it will be absolutely devastating to their populations. Whale numbers are nowhere close to being able to withstand this kind of natural culling. You should be advocating for this as your primary purpose, not the misinformation you are currently providing.

I presume there are many factors at play here; however, two very clear ones stand out. First, many are simply ignorant of the problem, wanting to do something, and placing their trust in something they shouldn't. Second, these so-called "groups" are spreading misinformation with the primary goal of allowing the commercial whaling industry to continue. Essentially, these groups have been infiltrated by the very people you are fighting against. The best way to win a war is to be closest to the fight.

As I mentioned, whale numbers have not returned to pre-whaling day populations. I have calculated that at the height of bolide season, a season that could last for 60 years or more, more than 10,000 toothed whales could be washed ashore annually. This is not pseudoscience; it is a fact, a story that has played out for millions of years. It is a cycle of regeneration and death. We will need every whale we can get, so please stop playing into their hands. Iceland wants to resume whaling, Japan will exploit the Southern Ocean if allowed, and many other countries will want to join in.

They cannot be allowed to get away with this.

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