Wednesday 6 September 2023

Comet 46P/Wirtanen1 Whale Stranding Watch and Non-Related Bolide Bursts in Upcoming Months.

A rare and unusual meteor shower is set to occur on December 12 due to Comet 46P/Wirtanen1. It will be night in New Zealand therefore it is expected to be a significant observation event. However, the radiant is RA 7.24 DE -38.63 which brings its location just below Albany in Western Australia during daytime hours.

Because of the orbital displacement of debris, the meteor shower has likely caused meteoroid material to gather forward and aft of this comet. Therefore we have the possibility of a non-related atmospheric bolide burst or impact causing sonic booms and tremors. This could stretch from New Zealand in the east to west of Western Australia in the Indian Ocean. 

Due to very-low-frequency (VLF) radio waves caused by meteor showers and the strength of the debris coming into Earths atmosphere it is highly likely a whale stranding will occur. The “at risk time” will be from November to January however between now and March 2024 can be a warning period. Due to the migration of animals and feeding ground locations, it is likely Orca and Cachalot could be at risk along with very well-known stranding species the Black Dolphin and even Common Dolphins and False Killer Whales. In 1974 - into 1975 and 1980 into 1981 stranding did occur however this time the meteor shower has been perturbed by Jupiter therefore displacing a large amount of material.  

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