Saturday 21 October 2023

Noice Pollution/whale strandings and meteoroids.

Write on from X post. 

This is a great article about noise pollution and whale strandings. The important piece of the puzzle missing is Meteors, that are global. Meteor showers cause mass panic strandings and make up about 80% of events. These are from (VLF) radio waves known as electrophonic meteors. The other 20% are a variety of causes, including injuries from deep water/concussion events. The military might be to blame, however not for the reasons that are thought. During WWII, there were many whale deaths and mass fish deaths caused by explosions during sea battles. From France to the Netherlands, they were well documented. In my experience, from the research, sonar doesn't have the power to kill; annoy - yes, and panic - yes, but not kill. A whale is built to dive and come up at speed. Remember they get hunted. They need to move and move between different depths at incredible rates or they would simply not survive. What it can't take is depth that is out of its natural habitat. What I think might be happening is like concussions caused by meteoroid airbursts/impacts, the military is causing concussions to whales during LFX (Live Fire Exercises) when they use ordnance of varied types. Given the depth of water, it could cause temporary injury to whales, taking them down into the abyss, so to speak, where they then recover their senses and come to the surface. However, the damage is already done. It is a worry that what happened in the Canary Islands might only show a few animals that were found when really there could have been many more. These strandings in the CI are similar to what I have been researching in a time frame covering over a century. Meteoroids have the power and the means to create sonic booms, impacts of great proportions, and meteor showers that last for hours/weeks or even months.

If you had a pod of common dolphins and beaked whales in a certain section of water getting blasted; the whales might recover enough to resurface however the dolphins might never be seen again. Sperm whales can dive and swim away, however, the beaked whales are a different story because of their biological make-up and dive habits. If beaked whales do have decompression issues this would make sense. At depth, they would panic and run for the surface. 

The above are my thoughts and if we can place all the puzzle pieces together then that would make me extremely happy and the toothed whales even happier.

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