Monday 26 February 2024

Stranding Becomes A Horror Show.

February 25. North Island, New Zealand. A mother and calf pygmy sperm whale stranded between Māhia Beach and Opoutama on the Māhia Peninsula in the northern Hawke’s Bay area. During attempts to refloat the mother a more than 5m long great white shark bit the head off the 3 m long whale and then took the carcass out to sea. Rescuers were lucky to escape injury. The mother’s calf was euthanised and frozen for scientific analysis.

Māhia: Huge shark kills and eats whale that rescuers had been trying to refloat, police warn beachgoers to be wary - NZ Herald

This area has been under significant meteor activity since October last year. In that time there have been strandings of a cachalot, a pod of 40 false killer whales, a striped dolphin, a pygmy sperm whale and an attempted pod stranding of false killer whales and dolphins. The image below is on the 16th of February, a typical day of meteoroid incidents. Many sea observation events have been detected. 

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