Wednesday 28 February 2024

2018 Whale Stranding Event at Hamelin Bay in Western Australia caused by Meteor Airburst.

51 days after an airburst off the Western Australian coast 150 short-finned black dolphins were stranded.

Black dolphins or Short-finned pilot whales can travel exceedingly fast, up to 160 km a day. This is extremely rare for them to do. These animals are cheetahs of the sea, and a day at most would see this maintained. If a pod was within 100 - 150 km (conservative estimate) of this airburst the VLT radio waves or concussion results would have an effect. Usually, they travel from 40 to 100 km in a relaxed day. For argument's sake, I will take the bare minimum travel distance. A pod with juveniles travelling at 40 km a day, to travel 1943 km, would take 49 days to reach land at Hamelin Bay if they were slowed down by distress. This is 2 days before the 51-day airburst/stranding time reference.

Note: My research has estimated that electrophonic meteors, VLF radio waves, can admit through the environment well over 200 km away from an airburst incident.

2018, February 1. AIRBURST. Indian Ocean, off the Western Australian coast. (-19.4, 104.3). e = 19, -e = 0.53 or 530,000 kg of TNT. Altitude = 37km. Velocity = 16.5 km/s.

2018, March 23, Western Australia, Hamelin Bay. About 150 Short-Finned Black Dolphins strand at Hamelin Bay, south of Perth. 10Km north of Augusta. Volunteers save 7 individuals.

More than 150 whales strand in Hamelin Bay, Australia - 143 dead bodies only 7 rescued in video and pictures - Strange Sounds

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