Friday 1 March 2024

AI lacks human intuition when it comes to whale deaths.

A study by the Royal Society Open Science has revealed that by using AI they have found Humpback whales in the North Pacific have declined by 20% during the period between 2012 and 2021. The humpback whale population dwindled from 33,500 in 2012 to 26,500 by 2021. AI found that the whales died because of a heat wave in 2013?

This is not the case. In all, 46 organizations and 4,292 community science contributors have used AI to give them the wrong answer.

The world's whale population is going to dwindle because of Airbursts, not heat waves. Below are the airbursts caused by asteroids during that period. They have devastating consequences on the environment and are only increasing after a lull lasting seventy years. Mass whale strandings in the southern hemisphere are increasing and are caused by the same phenomena including meteor showers that produce VLF Radio waves. These are known as electrophonic meteors.

Old-fashioned research doesn't lie, and AI is still throwing dice. Incomplete information in -Incomplete information out.

Below are airbursts in the Northern Pacific between 2012 and 2021. This would project a more probable reason for the deaths of 7000 whales within this time frame, not a heat wave. One of these airbursts alone had the equivalent energy of 49,000,000 kg of TNT. This also had an effect on the decline of the Gray whale population. These events are common. In 2015 in the Southern Pacific 337 Sei whales were killed in a series of airbursts, one of the worst strandings in history. The estimated death toll overall was said to be 3000. 

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