Friday 1 March 2024

Gray Whale die off in the Pacific: 2019 to 2023

In 2019, 122 Gray whales died on North American coastlines. Illegal hunting, ship strikes, and pollution have been major contributors however there was one event that was overlooked. An airburst. Gray whales cannot take a hit like this, and neither can humpbacks or dolphins. With the ever-increasing bolide activity, the deaths will only increase. In the Southern Ocean, the populations will weather the storm due to isolation factors. In the northern hemisphere, they won't be as lucky because of the outside influences adding to the deaths.

2018, December 18. Airburst. Location: Bearing Sea. (56.9, 172.4). Time: 23:48. e = 3133, -e = 49 or equivalent to 49,000,000 kg of TNT. Altitude = 26 km. Velocity = 13.6 km/s.

After this event, the Gray whale population has declined. The sad truth of the matter is that most will sink at sea never to be seen again. 

Airbursts between the event above and the present.

Bolide visualizer (

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