Monday 5 February 2024

USA whale strandings are not caused by wind farms. Remember we have oil rigs in oceans...and they do not cause whale strandings.

Assateague Island in the USA has seen its second whale stranding in three weeks. Wind farms are being blamed for this. This is not true. The top image is on the 17th of January and the bottom is the next day. These are two of many meteors that venture into Earth's atmosphere every day. I chose these two events to show that if these meteors are the ones witnessed there are plenty more out at sea and also there are numerous ones seen inland.  A necropsy is pending on the individuals. If a whale in any way is weak, to begin with, a meteoroid can be the nail in the coffin. Humpbacks are not what I regard as "easy" stranding individuals, the whales must be stressed to begin with. My view is that harassment by external fisheries north of the USA is to blame for this. Pollution and ship strikes are other causes but are seen in evidence. If this evidence is absent the uptake in strandings can only be caused by individuals under extreme emotional and physical stress. Wind farms shouldn't be regarded as an issue at all. This is a diversion from the real problem at hand.

Whales swim around oil rigs. That is a fact. Oil rigs have moving parts that go around and around. They don't cause any problems as long as they don't blow up and pollute the environment!

American Meteor Society (

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