Tuesday 19 March 2024

Pilot Whale strands in New Zealand - Search for more. Update later today. Update 22nd of March

2024, March 20. New Zealand, Kaitorete Spit in Canterbury. South of Christchurch, Birdlings Flat Beach, near Lake Ellesmere. Black Dolphin (Pilot Whale). Attempts to refloat it will begin at 1:30pm today at high tide. Authorities are concerned about a larger group coming ashore therefore a search is underway along the coastline. 

Black Dolphin. The whale was euthanised later in the day.

It comes after two large meteors were detected on the 13th. (See post below)

2024, March 13. New Zealand, Canterbury, Otago and Southland. Approximate Time: 08:08 (UTC).

Meteorites recovered.

2024, March 13. Tasman Sea, East of South Island New Zealand. Meteor. (-41.98, 166.00). Time: 14:02 (UTC). Duration: 3.93 seconds.

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Glacier retraction and meteor streams

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