Wednesday 31 July 2024

Strandings, inner solar system comet, airburst and new fireball detection for southern skies. Updated 20240801 - Meteor in English Channel

2024, July 26. Scotland, Orkney, Bay Of Tuquoy on Westray. Three Risso’s dolphins were saved from a beach. It comes just weeks after the island group was the scene of one of Britain's worst cetacean strandings. British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), ferried to the island by Kirkwall Lifeboat.

Dolphins saved from Orkney beach weeks after mass whale deaths on neighbouring island - Scottish Daily Express

2024, July 26. Western Australia, Binningup Beach, south of Perth. Dead juvanile Humpback.

Shire of Harvey forced to close Binningup Beach as juvenile humpback whale is found dead | Harvey Waroona Reporter (

2024, July 28. Comet, Inner Solar System. Comet Tsunchinshan – ATLAS (C/2023A3) Might be falling apart before reaching perihelion around September.

2024, July 28. English Channel, Celtic Sea. Meteor. Velocity: 66 km/s. Duration: 5.42 sec. Coordinates: (49.78, -0.67) (50.46, -5.46). Range: 350km. Altitude: 120 – 118 km.  

Bright comet coming this fall might be falling apart. Why some astronomers haven’t lost hope (

2024, July 30. Mid Pacific. Airburst. Coordinates: ( -6.7, -124). e = 2.7, -e= 0.095. Altitude: 39 km. Velocity: 14.6 km/s.

The southern hemisphere has an extension of fireball detection. FRIPON-Andino is the name of the extension of the FRIPON network to the Andean states Chile, Argentina, and Peru. This is crucial for the detection of these events in the southern skies.

FRIPON-Andino (

Three Risso's Dolphins saved in Scotland.

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