Monday 19 June 2023





Cosmic Collisions: Past and Future Warning (@MatthewHoo1556) / Twitter

(Note: There are a few overseas entries of significance that made Australian papers. For complete transpearancy I have kept editing to the bare minimum, so spelling mistakes and general grammatical errors are original text.)

1870, The Express and Telegraph, Adelaide, SA : Fri 18 Feb 1870, On Friday morning ?:about half-past 1 o'clock a very brilliant'and beautiful meteor was observed shooting athwart, the eastern sky, and it was in" view two or three seconds. It was of a delicate azure tint, and exploded behind a small bank of cloud.

1870, Evening News, Sydney, NSW : Fri 25 Feb 1870, The METEOR and the EARTHQUAKE. — As I was riding over the plain on Saturday night January 20th, at 10.30 p.m., suddenly the horse, and the fence I was looking for and the ground, and everything else turned blue, and on turning suddenly round to ascer- tain the cause, I saw a meteor four times the size of a rocket in the north, descend toward the west, and burst into two streams of red stars expiring without the slightest noise. In going south I made many inquiries about this phenomenon, and as far as Coramundra, sixty-five miles from Yass, I could trace its influence, but here I turned to Gundagai, and lost the run of it. At Cunningham Plains station the meteor was followed in two and a-half minutes by an earthquake which shook the ground,and sounded like loaded waggons going over a bridge. But at Coramundra when the meteor fell they thought the house was on fire, and the red glare lasted on the sky several seconds, and two minutes afterwards came a report like the crack of a rifle in the paddock behind, then another, then a volley as if from a company, and immediately a sound as of a thousand horses escaping out of a paddock at full gallop, so that men rushed out to see what it could be. Another party between Cunningham Plains, and Coramundra, gave similar evidence. The meteor must have been at a great height to be seen in the same direction (north) for sixty-five miles, and there is every reason to sup-pose that it and the earthquake were connected.

1870, The South Australian Advertiser, Adelaide, SA : Sat 12 Mar 1870, On Friday evening, shortly before 8 o'clock, a very beautiful meteor was observed in the eastern sky. It contianed in view for at least 20 seconds, duiing which time it assumed an exquisitely blue tint. It was observed in the zenith, and shot obliquely towards the eastern horizon.

1870, Evening News, Sydney, NSW : Wed 16 Mar 1870, The' meteor I have previously mentioned was seen at Tooma, resembling a mixed masstof liquid fire poured out on the sky; the light of which lasted about one minute.

1870, Mount Alexander Mail, Vic. : Tue 5 Apr 1870, The Ovens Spectator reports.-— A onrions meteoric appearance was obsorvable about 6 o'clock on -Wednesday evening, and before daylighliad gone.: Towards the north, and about Bixty dogroos above the horizon, a thin streak of bright light, ' with varie gated colours, was visiblo in the clear open space of blue sky, between two heavy banks . of clouds. The appearance was liko that of a tinted shooting star, and it shot slowly downwards in a similar- manner. ' . J '

1870, Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers, Melbourne, Vic. : Sat 16 Apr 1870, The Ovens Spectator reports : — A curious meteoric appearance was observable about 6 p.m. on Wednesday, 30th ult., and bofore daylight had gone. Towards the north, and about sixty degrees above the horizon, a thin streak of bright light, with variegated colors, was visible in the clear open space of blue sky, between two heavy banks of clouds. The appearance was like that of a tinted shooting star, and it shot slowly downwards in a similar manner.

1870, The Mercury, Hobart, Tas. : Wed 4 May 1870, A METEOR. At about half-past five o'clock on Monday evening a large meteor was soon to fall over the southern part of this city. The meteor, although it was but dusk at the time, illumined the sky so brightly by its variegated colors as to lead some to entertain the belief that it was a large fire. The phenomenon was witnessed by numbers of individuals, who state that it was visible for between six and seven seconds.

1870, The Brisbane Courier, Qld.: Mon 9 May 1870, ANOTHER METEOR.- On Friday night, about 11 o'clock, the inhabitants of Gladstone were startled by a dull, heavy, booming report, accompanied by an atmospheric concussion which shook every dwelling in the place. Conjecture was rife as to the cause, and while some attributed the occurrence to our ungazetted artillery corps, not a few were firmly of opinion that a large man-of-war had fired a heavy gun on anchoring at the Heads, as the sound seemed to come from that quarter. A brilliant meteor was seen by a few persons to descend in the vicinity of Bustard Head about ten seconds before the explosion was heard, but the unusual interval between the sight of the phenomenon and the sound made the most learned loath to attribute the latter to the former. Yesterday the Pilot yacht returned from Bustard Head, and in a conversation with Mr. Pilot Jansen, we elicited the following:- On Friday night, at 11 o'clock, the vessel was being headed for Bustard Head creek. The night was very dark, and Mr. Janson was hoping the moon would soon shine out, and enable him more clearly to make out the entrance. Suddenly the horizon was illuminated for miles with a brilliant and dazzling light. A large meteor had travelled across the sky from north to south and burst apparently above Bustard Head. Every object on the shore was revealed as distinctly as by daylight, and about five seconds after the meteor burst, the crew were startled by a report which could only be likened to that following the discharge of a piece of the heaviest ordnance. Mr. Jansen describes the bursting of the meteor as one of the grandest sights he ever witnessed. A north-west breeze was blowing, which easily accounts for the long interval be- tween the time when the meteor was seen and the report heard in Gladstone.

1870, The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.: Thu 19 May 1870, AT about half-past five o'clock on Monday evening, the 2nd instant, a large meteor was seen to fall over the southern part of Hobart Town. The meteor, although it was only selling dusk at the time, illumined the sky so brightly by its variegated colours as to lead some to entertain the belief that the light was the reflection of a large fire. The phenomenon was visible for between six and seven seconds.

1870, The Mercury, Hobart, Tas. : Mon 20 Jun 1870, METEOR.-Yesterday morning, at 25 minutes to 6, a brilliant meteor illuminated the heavens on its course from north-east to south-west.

The flash was magnificent boyond description, and presented, for a second or more, the appearance of a silver thread, stretched across the sky.

1870, The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, NSW : Thu 4 Aug 1870, ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENON.-This morning, at about eleven o'clock, while writing the preceding part of this letter, I heard a peculiar noise outside in the air. Until I went out to learn the cause, it sounded like the united humming of a dozen swarms of bees, and seemed to be just over the house ; but on going out it seemed to be in the upper regions of the air, and sounded first like the noise made by dragging a heavy stool over a hollow floor, and then like the rattle of a ponderous, empty iron tank going over a hard rough road. I took no further notice of the incident, and had nearly forgotten it by noon, when an acquaintance asked me and some others with whom I was then sitting, if we had noticed a strange noise in the sky at eleven o'clock. Most of us had heard it : some had thought it was a water-cask going for water, others thought it was bees ; but the gentleman who asked us if we had heard the sounds gave by far the best description of the affair. He happened to be outside at the time, and he took particular notice of the wonder. He says that his attention was first drawn by hearing a loud report, seemingly of a cannon, over on the sand ridge, about three-quarters of a mile to the south-west of the township. On turning to look in the direction of the sound, he heard another and still louder report. The reports were loud and distinct, and they were followed by the long roar and rumble that commonly follows a discharge of artillery, and these sounds were suc- ceeded by a very strange rushing sound in the higher strata of the atmosphere, travelling very slowly from the south-west to the north-west. From the first detonation, to the conclusion of this strange circumstance, there was a space of six or seven minutes. If I may venture to express an opinion on this subject, I am inclined to think the sounds were caused by the flight of a meteoric shower. P S.-Two blackfellows came in just before sundown, from a place four miles away, and nearly their first words were - " You hear 'em cobaun rumble rumble long a sky? " " What you think it that feller ?" I should mention before concluding that, with the exception of two or three small cirrus clouds, the sky was clear and bright, and the morning was one of the finest we have had for a long time.

1870, The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, NSW : Sat 13 Aug 1870, REMARKABLE METEOR. — On Thursday evening a remarkably large meteor appeared in the northern sky, and attracted much attention for its brilliancy and size. It suddenly appeared in the sky, gradually enlarged till it presented a mass of bluish light equal to four stars from a roman candle rolled into one, and after remaining visible for half a minute or more, and throwing a distinct illumination, it exploded, leaving behind it a train of sparks that very slowly faded and disappeared. This meteor was much slower in movement than is usual with such objects, and it presented a very splendid appearance.

1870, The Mercury, Hobart, Tas. : Fri 26 Aug 1870, On Thursday evening a remarkably large meteor appeared in the northern sky, and attracted much attention for its brilliancy and size. It suddenly appeared in the sky, gradually enlarged till it presented a mass of bluish light equal to four stars from a roman candle rolled into one, and after remaining visible for half a minute or more, and throwing a distinct illumination, it exploded, leaving behind it a train of sparks that very slowly faded and disappeared. This meteor was much slower in movement than is usual with such objects, and it presented a very splendid appearance.

1870, Geelong Advertiser, Vic. : Mon 5 Sep 1870, BRILLIANT METEOR. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ADVERTISER. Sir,-On Saturday night, at 22 minutes past 10 o'clock, whilst engaged in making telescopic observations upon the moon, my attention was directed to a most brilliant meteor, which appeared in the N.N.W. point of the sky, and at an elevation of about 15 degrees above the horizon. From thence it proceeded steadily, and in a perfectly straight and horizontal line, to the S.W. point of the sky, where it disappeared, also at the same altitude at which it was first seen. Its appearance and path were somewhat extraordinary. It appeared like a fiery arrow shot by some unseen but giant hand, and from its point there emitted a continuous shower of brilliant sparks, which it seemed to throw behind it as it continued its flight; and, instead of . its path being curved ..(as is the case with most meteors), 1 it was" a ' perfectly straight and horizontal line; throughout its entire course. It emitted no, sound, and its disappearance did not. seem'to be the result of its having expended itself, but it seemed rather to plunge itself so deeply into the distance that,the eye could not follow it. Its flight was the most majestic and deliberate of any meteor it" has been my good fortune to witness, and the time it remained in sight could not have been less than eight seconds. The moon was shining with great brilliancy at the time, else the meteor would have doubtless appeared much more resplendent; but even as it was it was a sight not easily forgotten by those who witnessed it. If any others of your numerous readers observed it, the record of its appearance by thein would be gratifying. [ am, &c, 60 Moorabool street.J. Tueneb.

1870, The Express, Fremantle, WA : Wed 19 Oct 1870, A brilliant meteor was observed by many, persons in Fremantle, on Monday evening, about a quarter before seven. When first seen, it was near the zenith, and passed in an easterly direction, until in a few seconds it disappeared behind Monument Hill. As it moved along, it increesed in size and brilliancy, shining with a light almost too dazzling to look upon, and leaving a train of sparks like a rocket when it disappeared behind the hill, for a moment was illuminated with rose coloured light, as if from an explosion, but the light of the meteor itself was light blue. No other meteor for size and splendour, has been seen in Fremantle for many years.

REPORT 2: A very large and brilliant meteor was seen at Perth on Monday evening at twenty minutes to seven o'clock. It had a short course, apparently near the zenith, and then burst, with an appearance similar to, but far exceeding in brilliance, a first-class sky rocket. From the Police station at the Bannister Bridge, (sixty-eight miles from Perth on the Albany Road) it shewed itself in an easterly direction.

1870, The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : Sat 22 Oct 1870, STRANGE METEOR.—A few days ago we published under the above heading an account of a brilliant meteor which was seen between a quarter and half-past five o'clock in the after- noon of Wednesday, the 12th instant, by Mr. Owen Meredith, son of Mr. Charles Meredith, M.H.A., at Twamley, near Buckland. The meteor was described as having the appearance of a very large star, and emitting an intensely white silvery light, though at the time it was bright daylight. As observed by Mr. Meredith it rapidly traversed about 60 degrees of the heavens, showing a distinct tail, and leaving behind it a long trail of light. A few seconds after it had disappeared, somewhat like a spent rocket, Mr. Meredith heard a loud report as if of the firing of distant cannon, or the explosion of a quarry blast, and a similar sound was also heard at Orford about seven miles distant in a direct line. We have since been shown a letter written by Mr. W. P. King, of Piermont, to a friend in town in which he says :—" On Wednesday week, the 12th instant, about 5.30 p.m., the good people of Swansea, and of Southern Glamorgan, were startled by a loud boom, which seemed to proceed from a heavy gun at sea. The sound re-echoed for miles through the hills, so much so that the messenger with the Hobart Town mails, when seven miles from Swansea, was almost frightened ' out of his wits.' Some thought it was an explosion at the railway magazine at Deloraine, while others put it down to 'the French a-coming.' However, on the arrival of the trading ketch Kestrel, Capt. Williams, the sailors declared that when off Little Swanport they were startled by seeing a ball of fire fly over the mast head, and burst soon afterwards. If this were so, it must have been a meteor, at any rate the mound at Piermont seemed to tremble, and that is a distance of some 20 miles from the place where this nine days' wonder was seen by the seamen." It would appear from the foregoing accounts that the sound caused by the explosion of the meteor was heard at several places on the East Coast, some of them nearly 40 miles apart. As the science of meteorology is, as yet, in its infancy any facts calculated to advance our knowledge of meteoric displays must prove interesting to the student of Nature. We shall, therefore, be pleased to receive any other communications calculated to throw further light on the above phenomenon, whether descriptive of the appearances presented by the meteor, or indicating the localities where it was observed, or the sound of the explosion heard.

REPORT 2: 1870, The Mercury, Hobart, Tas. : Sat 29 Oct 1870, THE METEOR TO THE EDITOR OF THE MERCURY. SIR,- We were pleased to see the account of the meteorolite in The Mercury, furnished by Owen Meredith, having looked in previous issues with some anxiety to see if the phenomenon had attracted attention. The explosion was heard here, and was so loud as to be startling, and as there was an entirely cloudless sky, we could not settle down in the belief that the noise heard was a clap of thunder. On the evening in question, two travellers heard the noise, as of the discharge of a cannon, about two miles from Spring Bay. On their arrival at Ravensdale (Abraham Morey's estate, Little Swanport), they learned that the sound was heard there, and that the windows of the house had been shaken. These travellers dined with us next day, when these particulars were communicated. Subsequently, we learned that the noise (as of the discharge of a cannon) was noticed at the Grange and Cranbrook, 14 or 16 miles north of this place, and at Ovenly also, on the South Esk, about 40 miles north of this. We heard also that the Kestrel, Caps. Williams, was off Little Swanport at the time, and the meteorolite was observed passing over that vessel to the westward. The only discrepancies in the accounts that have reached us were as to the direction whence the sound came, some thinking it was from the eastward ; but from our own observations, as well as the testimony of Owen Meredith, Capt. Williams, and a few others, there can be no doubt that the meteorolite exploded about under the position the sun then had in the heavens, viz, in the west. The time given by most persons was half-past five p.m. FRANCIS COTTON. Kelvedon, October 27th, 1870.

1870, The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW : Mon 19 Dec 1870, SPLENDID METEOR. - The Western Post (Mudgee) states that on Wednesday evening, about half-past nine, a most brilliant meteor gleamed through the sky, going in the direction from east to west. Its radiance was so brilliant that during its passage the intense darkness was rendered light as day.

1870, Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : Sat 24 Dec 1870, On Tuesday, 22nd ult., at 9 p. m., a magnificent meteor shot across the sky from east to west, continuing visible during three or four seconds, and falling obliquely towards the horizon, befere reaching which it exploded, previously leaving a small train in its path.

1871, Launceston Examiner, Tas. : Tue 3 Jan 1871, METEOR.-On Sunday evening, about nine o'clock, a magnificent meteor was observed to cross the sky, describing an arc stretching from about due east to south-west When first observed it appeared like a large star travelling slowly upwards and gradually in- creasing in size and brilliancy until it had attained its maximum height, when it suddenly expanded into a brilliant globe of violet coloured fire, and, bursting as it commenced its downward journey, fell towards the horizon in numberless shafts and balls of great brilliancy. The meteor was observed by hundreds of promenaders in Brisbane an St. John-streets.

1871, The South Australian Advertiser Adelaide, SA : Sat 14 Jan 1871, On Thursday evening a splendid meteor was observed in the eastern sky.

1871, The Herald, Melbourne, Vic. : Mon 20 Feb 1871, On Saturday night, at about a quarter to twelve o'clock, a meteor of large proportions and of greater brilliancy than any perhaps which I have ever been seen before, lit up the northern sky. At the time the inoteor be came visible the writer was standing with a friend, hut facing the south. The sudden lighting up of everything around gave the impression that a fire had broken out in home dwelling, but on turning round there was ample time to watch tho ' meteor, descending slowly, lint obliquely, towards the earth. So close did it appear, that it was impossible to refrain from an expression of terror that it would fall either on Dr. Em- bling's or Mr. Superintendent Winch's residence. The moteor, at the moment of appearing, was abrilliant blue, which changed rapidly to a beautiful, clear, hut the veriest pale of pink colors. At the moment of disappearance it burst exactly as an ordinary sky rocket. Tho writer overheard Mr. Fisher, the butcher, and several others at a distance, expressing their astonishment at the sight, after the first moments of surprise, not unmixed with fear, had passed away. — Mount Alexander Mail.

1871, The South Australian Advertiser, Adelaide, SA : Fri 7 Apr 1871, Last Monday, shortly before 5 a.m., with others I noticed in the eastern sky a most magnificent meteor, which descended obliquely into the soath. It was visible for several seconds, the trail of it remaining for some time. It was very large, and produced a brightness all around equal to a flash of lightning.

1871, Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, Qld. : Tuesday 30 May 1871, Several meteors of unusual brilliancy have been seen to fall lately. One worth a special record has been reported to us as having shot forth from the south-western sky about eight o'clock on Sunday evening. The meteor was intensely bright, and after traversing a considerable arc, burst in a shower of sparks and disappeared.

1871, The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, NSW : Saturday 15 July 1871, METEOR -A large meteor passing in a north-westerly direction, was seen here last night, about five minutes to ten o'clock. Some persons imagined they heard it explode, and declare they saw most beautiful sparks falling after wards as from a sky rocket. July 12.

1871, Geelong Advertiser, Vic. : Saturday 19 August 1871, A splendid meteor was observed to cross the sky between nine and ten o'clock on Friday night. It passed in the direction of from north to south.

1871, Southern Argus, Port Elliot, SA : Friday 25 August 1871, A correspondent writing from near Central Mount Stuart says :---" At 9 minutes past 7 p.m. on the evening of May 24th a splendid meteor shot across the sky, starting N.E. of where I was camped at that time, and continued its course almost horizontally to W.N.W., where it burst, bearing as it were a train of light behind it which I could distinctly see for 15 minutes and 25 seconds after the meteor's first appearance. About the 10th

1871, Evening Journal, Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912)Saturday 26 August 1871, At nine minutes past 7 p.m. on the evening of May 24 a' splendid meteor shot across the sky, starting N.E, of where I was camped at that time, and continued its course almost horitontally to W.S.W., where it burst, leaving as it were a train of light behind it which I could distinctly see for five minutes "and, 25. seconds after the meteor's first appearance.

1871, Gawler Times, SA : Fri 13 Oct 1871, BRILLIANT METEOR.—A beautiful meteor was observed on Monday evening. It rose a little above the nortl - vestern horizon and at an apparently moderate speed traversed nearly the whole hemisphere, crossing the zenith. When approaching the southeastern range of hills, it divided into two parts, which seemed to be connected by a line of light. It left a train of light behind as it passed across the sky and surpassed in might and brilliancy a star of the first magnitude. It was visible for above half a minute.

1871, Evening News, Sydney, NSW : Sat 14 Oct 1871, A METEOR. — We are informed by a gentleman who was stair-gazing at Mudgee on last Tuesday and Wednesday evening, that at about 10 o'olook there appeared in the evening a brilliant meteor in the sky immediately, over the town. It was, according to his account, 'out visiting,' for on the first night it sank over the eastern horizon, and on the second occasion it went to the west.

1871, The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : Wed 1 Nov 1871, At twenty-four minutos past ten last night (Monday), I saw a meteor of groat brilliancy and extraordinary size. It came from tho north-oast, and, entering Taurus, burst between the stars Aldebarau and Gamma. Although the moon was shining brightly in that part of the sky, the meteor appeared to leave a train having half the size and splendor of the tail of Donato's comet when near poriholion in 1858.

1871, The Manning River News and Advocate for the Northern Coast Districts of New South Wales, Tinonee, NSW : Sat 4 Nov 1871, AERIAL DISPLAY.—An imposing spectacle was witnessed a few minutes after ten o'clock on the night of the 14th instant (says The Hobart Town Courier) when a most remarkable phenomenon made its appearance in the sky. The stars were twinkling brightly above aim go bank of dark cloud iu the south-western horizon, when suddenly from behind the sable ma emerged a immense meteor, travelling towards the north-cast, dissipatiug the darkness, and illuminating the entire heavens. It remained above the horizon for several seconds, when it burst into innumerable brilliant fragments. We sdepose this was in honor of the visit of Earl Belmore to Tasmania.

1871, Evening News, Sydney, NSW : Fri 17 Nov 1871, Brilliant Meteor. — A very brilliant meteor was observed by several persons in West Maitland, on Tuesday evening. The meteor appeared to rise in the easterly quarter of the heavens, and made its way towards the south, making a distinct track across the sky, lightning flash, but lasting for several seconds. As it neared the southern horizon, the meteor appeared to burst into several brilliant fragments; which spread like sparks from a rocket, and then disappeared. — Maitland Mercury.

REPORT 2: METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENON TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. Sir,-May I beg space in your journal for the following, as I hope many others saw the sight, and I should like to compare accounts. Yesterday (Tuesday, November 14th) I at about 11.6, it was my pleasure to behold the most brilliant meteor I have seen ; and I have been witness of some which have been accounted splendid. The altitude was about 60°, and it travelled in the direction of south-east. In its passage it seemed to open and throw out a fresh meteor at every ten yards, during which the heavens seemed as if lit by electric fire ; in all about four explosions, occupying a space of time covering five seconds. The colours were red, blue, and yellow, which, assimilating, produced a most powerful green, like that of a very perfect rainbow ; but I never saw the iris with such brilliant colours, of which green was the predominant. The night was very dark, but I did not otherwise observe anything particular about the sky. The last few days have been excessively warm, and the atmosphere, I think, just in the state to produce such phenomenon.

1871, Gawler Times, SA : Fri 22 Dec 1871, EXTRODINAY METEOR. — Early on Wednesday morning last week several persons in and around Gawler, and at intervals as far as Kapunda were awoke, between 2 and 3 o'clock by a loud report an of a distant explosion. At the same time, or rather immediately preceding it, a light of dazzling brilliancy was seen by some, it was said not to be lightning, though equal in brightness, but of longer duration. A loud hissing sound was heard by some persons, and was supposed by them to arise from the meteor having fallen hissing hot into the sea. We heard rumors that certain individuals had seen the meteor itself which appeared in the sky as large as Messrs. W. Duffield & Co.'s Victoria Mill, and that it fell in the direction of the sea, in fact that they heard the noise of the water boiling around the molten mass as it was quenched iD the gulf. We have, however, been unable to trace these rumors to their source, or to find anyone who actually saw the meteor though many saw the light. There is, however, sufficient evidence to show that a meteor of extraordinary size and brilliancy fell between 2 and 3 o'clock on the morning of Wednesday the 13th inst; but any more definite information we have been unable to procure.

1872, Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, Qld. : Thu 1 Feb 1872, About 9 o'clock on Sunday evening last the north-western sky was suddenly illuminated by one of the most brilliant meteors which have ever been seen in the southern hemisphere. It first appeared about twenty-five degrees above the horizon,and disappeared in a slanting direction towards the north, having remained in sight a little over two seconds. I will leave the origin and composition of such luminous bodies to the researches of scientific men ; but this I can state, that all the artificial lights which ever were invented were completely thrown into the shade by the brilliancy of the meteor.

1872The Brisbane Courier, Qld. : Mon 19 Feb 1872, The other evening (February 1), at five minutes to 8, just as the sun had sunk behind the western range, a splendid meteor travelled across the heavens. I was walking along the Ponsonby-road at the time with my wife and we simultaneously observed a brilliant flame of light burst over our heads, and shower into fragments like globules of fire. I never saw anything more beautiful and delicate, as the sky was a clear, soft blue, just softening by the cool of evening after the heat of a summer's day.

1872, Rockhampton Bulletin, Qld. : Sat 6 Apr 1872, CELESTIAL PHENOMENON. - A remarkable meteor was seen here (Townsville) on Sunday evening last the 18th instant about half-past 7 o'clock. It made its appearance in the sky to the E.N.E., and immediately burst (much resembling a gigantic rocket), giving out a shower of many coloured stars, and, falling rapidly through a few degrees, it disappeared, leaving behind it a broad streak of light resembling the tail of a comet, which was visible for about a minute after the disappearance of the meteor itself. As it burst it diffused a pale light, which was the more observable as the moon was low at the time and partially obscured by clouds. The light was noticed within doors by persons who did not see the meteor, and was taken by several for a flash of lightning. -C. B. Express.

1872, Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, Vic. : Thu 30 May 1872, A Meteor.- Last night, a meteor of more than ordinary size and brillialncy, about 8 p.m. shot across the sky from south-east in a north west direction, and during its course which lasted, some seconds pins or needles might have been picked from the ground as in broad day light. The meteor showed as a ball moving with amazing rapidity, while innumnerable sparks followed in its course.

1872, Empire, Sydney, NSW : Tue 4 Jun 1872, METEOR.-A short time-before night set in on Wednesday Inst, a ; very large and exceedingly brilliant meteor was observed by people out of doors. It was seen to rise in a south-easterly direction and shoot across the sky, eventually disappearing low down in the north-western horizon. - Those who witnessed it were struck with its beauty, and as it travelled very slowly, plenty of time was afforded for inspection. Had it been later in the evening, it would have looked more beautiful, and probably more persons would have noticed it, for it was brilliant enough to have cast a very bright reflection upon the gronnd. After it had shot across the sky-making almost a complate half-circle-it disappeared in a shower of sparks, not unlike those caused by the bursting of a magnificent rocket.-Bathurst Free Press.

1872, The Ballarat Star, Vic. : Mon 29 Jul 1872, An unusually large and splendid meteor was seen to fall last night, about a quarter, past ten-o’clock. Though the sky was obscured with light clouds at the time, the earth was lighted up as if the full moon was shining behind them, the color of the light being a bright green. The meteor was first seen near the zenith, and disappeared about; twenty degrees above the horizon, its path being towards the north.

REPORT 2: The meteor seen in Ballarat on - Sunday night appears to have been also visible at Castlemairie. Monday M.A, Mail says : —“Last evening a very brilliant meteor shot across. The sky, starting apparently from near the Southern Cross constellation, and travelling slowly almost due north; during its progress-it appeared as if surrounded by three luminous, rings, and followed by a tail; the light emitted was quite equal to the strongest moonlight.' It was in sight for a considerable time, and disappeared without any apparent bursting. So pretty a sight, has not been witnessed for years, as the body of the meteor was of an intense white tinged with blue color.”

REPORT 3: Meteor --The meteor reported by us to have been seen on Sunday evening in Sandhurst about half-past ten., appears to have been observed in both Melbourne and Ballart about the name time. The Argus says it was seen by persons walking from Melbourne towards South Yarra, through the Botanical Reserve. 'The color is stated by them to have been a bright white, and it illumined the whole northern heavens with a radiance equal to that of the moon at the full. The trail left by the meteor here was of a bright red. The Argus says the trail was of a vivid green. The Ballarat Star reports the appearance of the meteor as having taken place about a (quarter-past ten. "The earth was lighted up as if the full moon was shinning behind the light clouds which obscured the sky, the color of the light being a bright green.

REPORT 4: Extrodinary Meteor, . An extrodinary meteor passed across, the sky last night at about half-past ten o'clock!: The night was dark, and those who were out of doors were suddenly surprised by a brilliant light, which lit up the city like a bright moonlight. The glare was caused, by what may be very appropriately described in the words of Byron as "a wandering mass of shapeless flame," which; appeared to issue' out of the southern heavens, and pursuing a northerly course disappeared near the horizon. What may be towned the head of: the ' meteor had the appearance of a brilliant ball of white flame,',and there followed it a long '. tail " of apparently bright red fire. Though the strange visitor travelled with the rapidity of an ordinary shooting star- it'was several scconds in view, and while 'passing over-head' surrounding objects -were plainly visible.

1872, Mount Alexander Mail, Vic. : Thu 1 Aug 1872, A splendid meteor was seen at 6.31 p.m. yesterday. It appeared to be about a mile from the observatory, and just midway between South Yarrahill and Richmond-hill. It only lasted for two seconds, but the blaze of light shot forth with such brilliancy that, for the moment, the whole sky was in a state of illumination, just as if a broad flash of bright sunlight had occurred. Every object could be seen with distinct sharpnes of edge, although the sun had set and the clouds were heavy and threatening. The meteor was like a circular ball of fire, and the light evolved was of an undulatingcharacter.

1872, Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA : Wed 7 Aug 1872, METEOR On; Saturday/evening, between half-past eight and eight o'clock, a very : brilliaiit meteor was observed shooting along the western sky, brilliantly lighting the country round for several seconds. It seemed to emit a large number of sparks as it travelled through space.

1872, Empire, Sydney, NSW : Mon 12 Aug 1872, On Thursday evening last, about ten minutes to 9 o'clock, reports the Newcastle Chronicle, a most beautiful meteor was seen traversing the northern sky. It took its rise about the point in the heavens where the sun is at 1 o'clock, and travelled as nearly in the ecliptic as can be imagined, but in a direction from west to east. It lasted some six or seven seconds, and travelled in that time about ninety degrees. The nucleus of this wanderer appeared rather large, and more clearly defined than the generality of meteors, and its tail approximated in appearance 'o the tail of a comet. In addition to the usual brilliant, fiery appearance presented by these bodies, the one under notice seemed fringed with many of the primary colours. During the time it lasted, many sur- rounding objects were illumed with a brilliancy equal to that given by a full moon. On the same evening, an unusually large number of shooting stars was observed in all parts of the sky. On Saturday night, about 10 o'clock, another pretty meteor was seen in the southern sky, travelling in an easterly direction, and lasting about four or five seconds.

1872, The Express and Telegraph, Adelaide, SA : Tue 13 Aug 1872, On Monday, a little past noon, a beautiful meteor was observed from near the old Reservoir. It seemed to explode with a dazzling flash in the clear blue sky, leaving a long column of smoke, which was visible for ten minutes. It was in a westerly direction. There were one or two fleecy clouds in nearly the same quarter. We presume this was the same meteor as that witnessed at Port Adelaide.

REPORT 2: The unusual spectacle of a daylight aerolite or meteor was witnessed at Port Adelaide by a large number of persons about noon on Monday, August 12. Its brilliancy must have been intense, since it rivalled the sun — which was shining at the time—in brightness. The meteor appeared to descend from a cloud in the west, and moved slowly. It was of very large dimensions, and left a train of light visible for several seconds after it had disappeared.

1872, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser, NSW : Thu 15 Aug 1872, A BRILLIANT METEOR.- A remarkably brilliant meteor (says the Melbourne Argus) was observed on Sunday evening. At about half-past 10, a person walking from Melbourne towards South Yarra through the Botanical reserve was startled by a flash from behind as bright as the electric light, and turning quickly round beheld in the northern sky a meteor as large as the half noon careering from about 20° below the zenith in an easterly direction. Its colour was a bright white, at first changing

to beautiful red and blue hues, and it illumined the whole northern heavens with a radiance equal to that of the moon at the full. The meteor was visible for fully ten seconds, and descended in a curve, with a graceful wary motion, behind light fleecy clouds, till it was hidden by the trees about 10° above the horizon, a trail of vivid blue light following its course like the tail of a comet. The same meteor appears to have been observed in the oountry.

The following are all accounts of the same incident.

1872, South Australian Register, Adelaide, SA : Sat 7 Sep 1872, METEORIC. The following accounts have been published during the month. It is evident that they all relate to one meteor. A brilliant meteor was seen at noon on Monday, August 12, in the western sky. Mr. D. Garlick, who has kindly called our attention to the fact, was standing on come buildings near the Masonic Hall when he noticed it like a ball of fire falling perpendicularly. The time which it took to traverse the space in which it was in view was more lengthy than is usually the case, and while the ball itself displayed beautiful colours, a long white streak of flame, which was for some seconds visible, was left behind it. Mr. Garlick says the meteor was the largest he has seen. On Monday, August 12, the people of Port Lincoln were startled by a series of detonations which lasted quite a minute, and resulted from the fall of an aerolite. Its course was from south to north-west, and those who saw it speak of its intense brightness, though it appeared at midday. The sound extended over 65 miles. The wind was from the east with light fleecy clouds. Mr. Telfer, of Koppio, states that he saw an aerolite first in the north- east, having a red streak of light, which afterwards turned to dark smoke, and then gave place to white like steam. The visitant was very large and vied with the sun in brilliancy. He followed the object with his eye in its passing away to the south-west, and from the time of its disappearance till the sound was heard was exactly three minutes by his watch. A most brilliant meteor was seen at Wallaroo by numbers of persons at the somewhat extraordinary time of midday on August 12. When first observed it was nearly at zenith, and descended in a westerly direction, leaving a dazzling track of light till nearly down to a point of the horizon. Then it seemed to explode, and there was a dense body of smoke remaining for a minute or two. Not the least singular part of the affair is that it was computed to be not much more than from one to two miles distant, and, supposing there to have been fragments of a meteoric stone dropped after the explosion, they would have fallen into the sea, not much beyond the sanndhill near the powder magazine. At the time of the meteor's appearance the sun was shining brightly; still the meteor illuminated the sky near and over it. From Yalpara Station Mr. S. Hitchin writes: —About noon on the 12th a remarkable meteoric light was seen by Mr. W. Geary, a mason, in the employ of Messrs. Bowman Brothers, at a short distance from their Minburra Station. It seemed to descend from the zenith in a south-west course, and to meet the earth about 100 yards from the spot where the looker-on stood, which was about a mile east of Eke's Hill. After a moment of startled surprise Geary proceeded to the spot where the meteor seemed to strike the ground, but found of course no sign of contact. Similar phenomena were observed about the same time by a man named Crosswell, also by a boy, these persons being separated some distance. These may have been three distinct lights, as the descriptions vary slightly — such variation being easily accounted for by the different positions of the observers — but I am inclined to think them one and identical with that seen at Port Augusta on the same day at near 12 o'clock. Geary describes the meteor as brilliantly beautiful, the base being ' round, like a bucket,' tapering upwards obliquely to a cone, the larger portion resplendent with rainbow hues, and terminating in a long line of the brightest white. If this ' fiery tear' presented so grand an appearance in the full light of a clear day, how magnificent would its descent have been at night.

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