Saturday 17 February 2024

Mass Whale Strandings in New Zealand with NASA Bolides

The NASA Bolides and the mass whale strandings so far in New Zealand this year. The four yellow crosses indicate the strandings, including the near disaster that locals prevented on February12. 

2024, January 8. New Zealand, Between South and North Island. High Altitude Meteor. Time 15:17. Traveling east to west at 100 km travelling prograde at 57km/s.

2024, January 9 and 10. New Zealand. Two Gray’s beaked whales were stranded on two separate beaches near South Taranaki on Tuesday and Wednesday. The whales were already dead when located on Waipipi coastline and were between 3.5 and 4m in length. This came between 24 and 48 hours after the above meteor event.

2024, January 17, NASA BOLIDE. New Zealand. (-38.5, 178.9).

2024, January 18, NASA BOLIDE. New Zealand/Southern Ocean. (-45.5, -178.7).

2024, January 21. New Zealand, North Island-East Coast, Hawke's Bay, reef near Māhia, Tairāwhiti beach, Taylor’s Beach. 40 false killer whales and bottlenose dolphins were euthanized. The pod first stranded early in the afternoon but refloated with the high tide at about 3pm. They restranded at a remote and inaccessible reef point further south of Taylor’s Beach.

2024, January 21. New Zealand, North Island. Time 9:12pm. The fireball was seen in Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Waipawa and Hawke’s Bay, the same day 40 false killer whales were stranded in the area. A loud sonic boom was heard as it flew overhead, travelling from N.W. to S.E. It was described as a low travelling large ball of fire.

2024, January 23, NASA BOLIDE. New Zealand. (-38.9, 174.1).

2024. January 29 - 30. New Zealand, Baylys Beach, West coast North Island. 3 Black Dolphins. The first one washed up from a pod offshore of approx. 10 - 12 individuals. The second was 2km further up the beach and was 3m long. The third washed up the next day. Baylys Beach is a small section of Ripiro Beach, which is the longest west coast beach in New Zealand. It’s located in the Kaipara district near Dargaville. PCTE

2024, January 31. New Zealand, Auckland and Northland Time 08:14 UT. Entered earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean North of the North Island.

2024, February 1, NASA BOLIDE. New Zealand/Southern Ocean. (-48.2, -173.8).

2024, February. New Zealand. Heavy meteoroid shower activity.

2024, February 12. New Zealand, East coast, North Island, East Cape beach of Taylor's Bay. A pod of 35-40 false killer whales and bottlenose dolphins have been refloated and driven back to sea in a strong and coordinated effort by locals after stranding in the afternoon.

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