Monday 12 February 2024

New Zealand Meteor shower outburst. Whale Stranding Watch.

Iota Centauri, Centauri, is a star in the southern constellation of Centaurus. Large outburst. This combined with the Alpha centaurids has created problems for marine species around New Zealand. Tasmania, Western Australia and South Australia should be on watch for whale strandings.

The Iota Centaurid meteor shower, designated as IAU shower no. 919, exhibited unusually strong activity during the period from January 21 to 26, 2024. This shower corresponds to solar longitudes between 301.0 and 306.0 degrees (equinox J2000.0). Here are some details about this fascinating celestial event:

    Triangulated Meteors:

      CAMS New Zealand detected 48 iota Centaurids under the coordination of J. Baggaley (University of Canterbury) and J. Scott (University of Otago).

      CAMS Australia observed 34 shower meteors via H. Devillepoix (Curtin University) and D. Rollinson.

      CAMS Chile recorded 16 shower meteors with contributions from S. Heathcote and T. Abbott (NOIRLAB/Cerro Tololo) and E. Jehin (University of Liege).

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Glacier retraction and meteor streams

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