Wednesday 5 June 2024

2022 and 2023 airbursts in the Amazon

Airbursts are usually preceded and succeeded by material entering the atmosphere and would likely constitute electrophonic events. The vast number of meteors would never be picked up by satellite. 

2022, January 28. Brazil, Airburst. 900,000 kg/TNT.

2022, April 4. Brazil. Airburst. 95,000 kg/TNT.

Not shown of map below: 2023, June. On the east coast of Brazil two large fireballs were observed, both caught on camera, within 4 days of each other. The event in Sao Paulo on the 19th travelled across the sky for 20 seconds.

2023, September. Brazil, Tafe Lake, Amazon. More than 100 dolphins die in a week. Blamed on heat. The temperature would be a catalyst in pushing already stressed animals over the edge. I'm not saying it wasn't involved.

2023, October 16. Brazil. Airburst. 100,000 kg/TNT.

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